personal trainers notting hill

About Jordan

Jordan has been achieving amazing results for his clients all over London during his ten year career as an expert personal trainer and boxing coach.

The fact that Jordan has an unrivalled 100% client retention rate and is one of Sculpt’s busiest personal trainers is testament to his dynamic and exciting training techniques. He has also studied extensively and worked in some of the best gyms in London during his 10 year career in the health and fitness industry.

Jordan has a genuine passion for all forms of physical training, particularly boxing, as he has trained as an amateur fighter and now uses these skills to add and element of fun and intensity to his happy clients sessions.

Sculpt has personal trainers in Notting Hill and all over London

Jordan primarily provides personal training in Notting Hill as well as South West London. The Sculpt team of expert practitioners covers the whole of London. Take a look at the rest of the team profile pages or drop us an email to discuss training options in your area.

Train with Jordan

Choosing Jordan as your trainer is a guarantee of an intense and fun exercise program and great results. If you’d like to discuss working with an expert personal trainer in Notting Hill or West London, fill in the form below to arrange a free consultation.


